Jason Harris, DDS Founder & President
Jason Harris has over 13 years of experience in sales, online marketing, and operations. His strong passion for the automotive industry was developed during his time on the front line, holding positions such as Marketing Manager, Business Development Manager, General Manager, Operations Manager, and Dealer Principal. He understands what keeps you up at night and is focused on creating proactive marketing strategies and operational processes that directly affect sales and service.
Jason’s experience leads him across the country imparting knowledge and teaching dealers to expand their horizons and take their digital strategy and marketing goals to the next level.
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What are some social media ideas for a truck dealership?
I’m shopping for a new car, I’ll reach out regarding a YouTube video idea for us to collaborate on.
Great video. I think if every dept that touches the car during the recon process took out their phones and shot a 30-60 second video about what they did to the car. I’ve never understood why managers don't spiff sales reps who interview the customer who traded in the car. 2-minute video where the customer tells all about them and how often they drove it, etc. Now that would create a complete story around the vehicle buyers can feel confident in purchasing. But good video again!
Great video….the dislikes are from lazy people guaranteed
Truly enjoyed every program. Keep up great coaching. Dr.Shah CRM Brimell Toyota.