This business personalizes videos for the client onboarding process, engages with 78% of new clients, and boosts customer experience. Learn how to use video marketing in your onboarding process.
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Customer onboarding videos help your business improve the customer experience. This translates into faster adoption, higher retention, and more revenue opportunities.
But, when it comes to strategic video marketing, it is not enough to simply make videos that look good.
In fact, the videos I analyzed are not that attractive at all. The content shown in the videos is, no offense, boring. However, there is something this video does extremely well and one secret reason why it works.
This company uses video as part of their client onboarding process to help people make payments online.
About this analysis:
First – One of the main goals of the videos is to help customers know how to pay for an already delivered service through this company’s website.
Second – All videos were personalized for the individual customer. In this case, a thousand, four hundred and twenty-six videos.
Third – All videos were also interactive. They had a personalized call to action at the end of the video but also when users pause the video. In fact, this analysis helped us see that the call to action also needs to be displayed earlier. And we know exactly where.
Now, I can’t share the video with you because I have no permission. But I can share the data with you because there is no way you know what company I’m talking about.
But as you’ll see in the following stats I’m about to share, every part of the video counts.
Videos scripts have three sections: Intro, Main, and Outro.
Well, every part should help the main types of customers and users you’ll find in Customer Experience and User Experience strategies.
Here is what I found in this analysis:
– 43% of users viewed between 20% and 50% of the video.
– 22% of users viewed less than 20% of the video.
– 35% watched more than 50% of the video.
What can we all learn from this?
Let’s take a look at my screen to see this in detail
The video is structured in such a way that helps the main users types know what to do next and how according to their profile and needs. This increases engagement and makes it easier for them to take action.
Sometimes, like in this case, you won’t be able to track all the actions taken by the users right from the videos. This client is using Pirsonal Player, an interactive video player that adds personalized calls to action to the videos. This also means that we can track which user clicked on the call to action. As we can see, 38% of viewers clicked.
As customers move through their buyer’s journey, they should be able to easily find the help they need to get started with your product or service. Customer onboarding videos provide this help. They can introduce new customers to your product or service, show them how to use it, and help them resolve any issues they may have.
Creating customer onboarding videos doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. A few simple videos can make a big difference in the customer experience. It is more about how you structure the content. And, as customers become more familiar with your product, they can be a valuable resource for feedback and product improvement.
And, if you are still wondering, how is it that these guys created almost 6k videos in 60 days. Let me make it worse. In fact, they’ve created more than 60k videos to date.
They use our personalized video software, Pirsonal. This cloud video software automatically makes these videos.
► Learn more about how to welcome clients with video:
► FREE Personalized Marketing Strategy CHECK-LIST:
► Personalized video software:
► Personalized interactive video software:
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#VideoMarketing #CustomerExperience #Clients #Onboarding #ClientOnboarding
00:00 Client Onboarding Video For Business
00:13 Benefits Of Client Onboarding Videos for Business
0:43 Context Of The Analysis
01:45 Analysis Of Client Onboarding Videos: Analytics
02:45 Structure Of Client Onboarding Videos For Customer Experience
02:57 Using Video Personalization In Client Onboarding
04:03 Content and Types of Clients For Onboarding Videos In Customer Engagement
05:57 Personalized Call To Actions (CTA)
06:18 Personalized Interactive Video Software (Pirsonal)
07:14 Why Personalized Videos To Onboard Clients..(read more at source)