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Author: Tim Sumer
Tim Sumer is a tech entrepreneur based in Washington, DC. He's developed many websites and apps for the US Government and private sector. In his spare time, Tim enjoys playing golf, going to the beach, learning to cook new meals, and traveling around the globe.
Funny how things change… now a steady shot is considered boring and people are moving more towards handheld videos (it even feels weird typing this but it's definitely a thing now)
Hey, is this 3-part video series still available? Your video skills are amazing!
He should make an app I'd get it honestly
I love these hahaha
Hi! How did you put the videos at the bottom of the video?
You do an excellent job. Made me laugh, which is always a plus.
I actually have a tiny bit of sticky tape on the front of my phone (which I use to record my videos) marking where my head/eyes are supposed to be in that "golden ratio" spot. Makes it much easier to line it up when I'm shooting myself! 😀
Guilty as charged in many of my early videos. I cringe when seeing them now! Shaaaaaaaaaky camera!
You are my favorite
You are such an inspiration my brother….thank you so much for all the sharing. You deserve the success you enjoy. God bless you.
James, it's so good to see your emails again. You made me laugh in the middle of a boring day. Love your marketing style. Keep them coming.
James, do you have suggestions for what type of camera to use to shoot fitness videos (while standing). I totally get it with the black bars on the side, but aside from standing all the way across the room (if it's big enough), any suggestions?
I'd like to make nice videos but I'm not sure what camera to get, what computer (mac vs windows?), what software, etc…
so true bro! Thanks for sharing!
Nice James! Love it.
Is it better to upload a good video every couple of days or an excellent one every 2 weeks ? .. thank you, i like your videos 🙂
happy birthday Mr President